Hiring Process
You can make a requisition of requirements stating essential skills and knowledge for the desired candidate. This will make it easy for us to find a suitable candidate for your company.
We shortlist candidates as per requirement specifications and present their resumes to you. Thereafter you can choose the candidate from the resumes you feel are matching the requirements for the further recruitment process.
Once the candidates are selected from the list of resumes, you can further take their interview through video call and choose the one which fits best in your criteria.
Let us know your choice of candidates that you have found the best and suitable date of getting them onboard. Our team will help you with the on boarding process; subsequently you can have your remote staff completely functional for you.

E-mails are the standard mode of professional communication. Each E-mail ID provided to our remote staff is 256 bit SSL encryption secured and protected to maintain professional privacy. Alternatively, the clients can also provide them with their own domain supported E-mail ID for day to day communication.
Our remote staff is available for your assistance on any live chat messenger services to consult with you in real-time as per your convenience.

You can directly get in touch via an easy phone call with our remote staff on their assigned phone numbers for a long technical discussion or to just provide a new set of instructions.
Audio-Video Call
An audio-video call or conference is the new age remedy to fill the geographical gap between the client and the service provider. In our line of services, this medium is best used to follow through an extensive discussion or to acquire required guidance from our remote staff at your own comfort and convenience.


The remote staff logs into Firm’s computer by secure login ID and password and logs out after he is done. The data stays inside your office even though the staff work remotely.
Have the files uploaded into cloud based serves where the remote staff can securely login and finish the work without having to download and upload repeatedly.

Share File
Send the files to your remote staff through emails or FTP. He will finish the work and send the task back when he is finished.
Supervision & Monitoring

Time Sheets
Remote Staff share their daily time sheet with their supervisors at the accounting firm. K M Accounts has its in house time sheet software, however, if the firm has its own time sheet then the remote staff can fill that for reporting.
Task Reporting
Progress of all tasks can be directly communicated with the Remote Staff as they work directly under firm’s control.

Review Meeting
Screen the status of your project by calling in a weekly, fortnightly, or monthly review meeting with our remote staff through an audio-visual call or a simple conference. These meetings are designed to help you to decide your further course of action or improvise your strategies for your business.